Today’s adventure were on a smaller scale than the last, when we are moored at the heavy Lift quay we do not see to far. So today we settled for the antennas that we could see at the closest peak. As usual the backpack was filled with tools, drink and food.
We set of via ASDA that would lead us to the road I had found on the map, just cross town and as the road started going uphill we came to a cycle/footpath that were separated from the road and very idyllic.
After a few hundred meters the path ended and we were at some industrial compound, took to the left and the single trails began, we started with one that looked as it went straight up the mountain, and it was really hard work, lowest gear standing pedalling….
Eventually we cleared the steep parts so we could start using the bikes in a proper way.
The trail up to the antenna site was very wide and offered no resistance.
Up on the top we saw a few horses and a fellow mountain biker. On the top next to an old chimney there was memory gifts for diseased friends/relatives. As it was quite windy we continued past the top and entered a field with sheep. Were the field met the woods we found lee and had a really nice break in the sun, overlooking the Roseberry Topping from our last adventure.
After we moved on we found a way down from the mountain which of course was to fast, the hard earned height meters just ticked away and we had to follow a path along the base of the mountain.
After a while we reached a bridge over the higway and found our way across town without incidents. All in all a very nice although windy ride.